
2020-10-21 15:56:04   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:








——东京审判有关南京暴行罪被告方证词检证之一 程兆奇(4)


陈寅恪的“不古不今之学” 罗志田(4)


民国时期的日书汉译 王奇生(45)


从插曲到序曲:河间赈务与盛宣怀洋务事业初期的转危为安 朱 浒(64)




2007年中国近代史研究综述 虞和平(82)




清廷宣布了召开国会年限 侯宜杰(100)




——与彭剑博士商榷 余元启(102)


文华斋版《张文襄公全集》中的“家书”真伪仍应存疑 吴剑杰(106)


2007年国外出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆(111)


2007年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆(142)


《近代史研究》2008年总目 (159)



松井石根战争责任的再检讨——东京审判有关南京暴行罪被告方证词检证之一  程兆奇(上海社会科学院历史研究所研究员)

内容提要 东京审判判处南京暴行第一责任人松井石根绞刑,但所判只是普通战争罪的“不作为”,否定了公诉方提出的“对和平之罪”的相关罪名。由此产生了两个问题,一是最高量刑和消极责任的问题,二是甲级战犯名实是否相符的问题。后者尤有重大意义。本文通过比对、检讨被告、辩护人的证词和他们事发时自己的记录,证明影响免责判决的松井石根的消极虚像为被告方刻意编造,东京审判对松井石根的免责判决为在缺乏证据情况下做出的不当判决。松井石根列名甲级战犯确有所当,并无“冤枉”可言。

关键词 东京审判 甲级战犯 松井石根 对和平之罪 实行对华侵略罪


陈寅恪的“不古不今之学”  罗志田(四川大学历史文化学院教授)


关键词 陈寅恪 中西体用 国粹 民初思想 古典与今典


民国时期的日书汉译  王奇生(四川师范大学特聘教授)


关键词 译书 日书汉译 民国时期总书目


从插曲到序曲:河间赈务与盛宣怀洋务事业初期的转危为安  朱 浒(中国社会科学院近代史研究所副研究员)


关键词 盛宣怀 洋务运动 赈灾


 2007年中国近代史研究综述  虞和平


清廷宣布了召开国会年限  侯宜杰


清季预备立宪九年清单没有宣布开国会年限吗?——与彭剑博士商榷  余元启


文华斋版《张文襄公全集》中的“家书”真伪仍应存疑  吴剑杰


2007年国外出版中国近代史论著目录  近代史研究所图书馆


2007年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录  近代史研究所图书馆






Modern Chinese History Studies N0. 6, 2008


Re-Evaluation of Iwane Matsui’s War Guilt: Verification of Testimony on the Nanjing Massacre Given by Defendants at the Tokyo War Crimes Trials / Cheng Zhaoqi (4)


Iwane Matsui, the person primarily responsible for the Nanjing massacre, was sentenced to hang in the Tokyo Trials, but the court found him guilty only of the ordinary war crime of “inaction,” and denied the charge of “crimes against peace” sought by the prosecutors. This raises two questions: first, the application of the ultimate penalty to mere passive responsibility, and second, the appropriateness of the “class A war criminal” designation. The latter is particularly important. By comparing the testimony of defendants and their representatives with the notes they took at the time of the Nanjing Massacre, this article proves that Iwane Matsui’s image of passivity, which influenced his sentence, was a deliberate fabrication on the part of the defense, and the Tokyo Trials’ finding that Iwane Matsui was not responsible was an inappropriate judgment based on insufficient evidence. Listing Iwane Matsui as a class A war criminal is appropriate, and there is no question of “injustice.”


Chen Yinque’s “Neither Ancient nor Modern Learning”/ Luo Zhitian (24)


Chen Yinque’s statement that “all my life, I have pursued a learning that is neither ancient nor modern” has always been controversial. Even today, there is no consensus over what sort of antiquity or modernity he was referring to. It seems impossible at present to try to use Mr. Chen’s own criteria to determine the scope of his statement, and perhaps it is also unnecessary to “settle” the precise meaning of the entire statement. However, we can still identify some relevant writings, and take the opportunity as we interpret this statement to explore his intellectual theories in hopes of gaining a better “empathetic understanding” of his approach to scholarship and to life. From the way he dealt with the essential-practical relationship between Chinese culture and Western culture, we can see his open-minded understanding of “national essence.” Throughout his life, his scholarship was based on cultural conflict in Chinese history, looking at periods and topics that exhibit clear cultural competition. While favoring pragmatism over traditionalism, he tried to apply ancient learning to present problems, hoping to advance the blending of Chinese and foreign cultures. This showed a dedication to “patriotic altruism” that is very appropriate for a scholar.


Chinese Translations of Japanese Books during the Republican Period / Wang Qisheng (45)


In modern Chinese translation history, from the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 to the eve of the Resistance War against Japan, translations from Japanese always outnumbered all other translations of foreign books. In the late Qing period, the dominance of Japanese books was overwhelming. The publishing industry declined as a whole in the early Republican period, influenced by China’s political situation, and translations from Japanese also declined greatly. During the May Fourth Movement period, magazines flourished but book publication was sluggish. The ten years before the War can be called “golden decade” of publishing in Republican China, and it was also the highpoint for translating Japanese books into Chinese. From the beginning of modern times, the Chinese people had conflicting feelings about translating Japanese books: on the one hand, they thought that learning Western culture via Japan could save time and effort, because the intermediary link would separate the wheat from the chaff. On the other hand, they felt that after Western culture had been “chewed over” by the Japanese it would inevitably absorb a certain amount of Japanese “saliva,” obscuring its “real face” and “true meaning.” In the late Qing period, most Chinese people were still “unenlightened” and anxious for quick results. Therefore, they took the former attitude. After the May Fourth Movement, the Chinese people had already taken the first steps toward “enlightenment” and gradually leaned toward the latter attitude. The earlier attitude held that “Chinese students are better off studying in Japan than studying in the West,” and “translating Japanese books is better than translating Western books.” The later attitude held that the difference between studying in Western countries and studying in Japan was the difference between “gold-plating” and “silver-plating,” and translating Western books via a Japanese version was not as good as translating Western books directly.


From Interlude to Prelude: Famine Relief in Hejian Prefecture and Overcoming a Crisis in Sheng Xuanhuai’s Early Self-strengthening Career / Zhu Hu (64)


For a long time, academic circles have paid little attention to Sheng Xuanhai’s famine relief activities in Hejian prefecture in 1878. However, if we want a more precise understanding of his practical activities at the time and of their inherent logic, we can only succeed if we approach them from the angle of practice, looking at the complicated relations between famine relief in Hejian prefecture and Sheng Xuanhuai’s self-strengthening activities. At the same time, this case indicates that if we want to promote studies on Sheng Xuanhuai, we should not only pay attention to his social practice centered on famine relief, but also add new perspectives to understand him in light of the socio-historical trends behind this kind of activity.



Summary of Studies on Modern Chinese History in 2007 / Yu Heping (82)


The Qing Court Announced a Date for Establishing Parliament / Hou Yijie (100)


Did the Nine-Year-Agenda for Constitutional Preparation in the Late Qing Not Announce a Date for Establishing Parliament?—A Discussion with Peng Jian / Yu Qiyuan (102)



The Authenticity of the “Letters from Home” in the Huawen Zhai Edition of The Complete Works of Zhang Wenxiang Gong is Still Open to Question / Wu Jianjie (106)



Catalog of Foreign Publications on Modern Chinese History in 2007 / (111)


Catalog of Publications on Modern Chinese History in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in 2007 / (142)


General Table of Contents, Modern Chinese History Studies, 2008 / (159)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:48:40

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