
2020-10-21 15:58:53   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:







蔡锷与小凤仙  ——兼谈史料辨伪和史事考证问题 曾业英(4)


晚清改进、收回领事裁判权的谋划及努力 李育民(35)


同乡、同门、同事、同道:社会交往与思想交融 ——《新青年》主要撰稿人的构成与聚合途径 杨 琥(54)


中国国民党六届临时中全会之研究(1948.4.4—4.6) 刘维开(73)


中财委的创立和组织机构 迟爱萍(91)


华阳桥乡:水、肥、土与江南乡村生态(1800-1960) 王建革(111)




新文化史、微观史和大众文化史  ——西方有关成果及其对中国史研究的影响 王 笛(126)




李德来华的身份及任务新探 王新生(141)




翁文灏与梁思成兄弟的获助 李学通(152)




“林献堂 蒋渭水——台湾历史人物及其时代”学术研讨会综述 赵金康 (155)




蔡锷与小凤仙——兼谈史料辨伪和史事考证问题  曾业英(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)


[关键词]蔡锷 小凤仙 袁世凯称帝 史料辨伪 “后现代”理论


晚清改进、收回领事裁判权的谋划及努力  李育民(湖南师范大学历史文化学院教授)


[关键词]领事裁判权 晚清 中外关系 改进 收回利权


同乡、同门、同事、同道:社会交往与思想交融——《新青年》主要撰稿人的构成与聚合途径  杨 琥(北京大学校史馆副研究员)


[关键词]《新青年》 五四新文化运动 社会交往 思想交融 聚合途径


中国国民党六届临时中全会之研究(1948.4.4—4.6)  刘维开(政治大学历史系副教授)


[关键词]中国国民党 蒋中正 胡适 中央委员会 总裁


中财委的创立和组织机构  迟爱萍(中共中央文献研究室研究员)


[关键词]华北财经办事处 中央财政经济部 华北财经委员会 中央财政经济委员会 政务院财政经济委员会


华阳桥乡:水、肥、土与江南乡村生态(1800—1960)  王建革(复旦大学历史地理研究中心教授)


[关键词]江南 农业生态 水利系统 土杂肥


新文化史、微观史和大众文化史——西方有关成果以及对中国史研究的影响  王 笛(华东师范大学思勉人文高等研究院紫江讲座教授,美国德克萨斯A&M大学历史系教授)




李德来华的身份及任务新探  王新生(中共中央党史研究室研究员)


[关键词]李德 共产国际 远东局 军事顾问


翁文灏与梁思成兄弟的获助 李学通


“林献堂 蒋渭水——台湾历史人物及其时代”学术研讨会综述 赵金康




Modern Chinese Hisrory Studies No.1, 2009


Cai E and Xiao Fengxian—Including a Discussion of the Problems of Authenticating Historic Data and Verifying Historic Facts / Zeng Yeying (4)


During his service in Yuan Shikai’s Beijing central government, Cai E got to know Xiao Fengxian, a prostitute only sixteen or seventeen years old. Contrary to popular legend, Xiao Fengxian was not a “famous courtesan,” to say nothing of being a “courtesan heroine” who helped Cai E to escape Beijing. Her illustrious reputation is based on her association with Cai E, a hero who sacrificed his young life to oppose Yuan Shikai’s attempt to crown himself emperor. Cai E’s liaison with Xiao Fengxian was only one link in his strategy for returning to Yunnan province to start the National Protection War; there was no “love affair” between them. There were two steps to Cai E’s escape: leaving Beijing and leaving Tianjin. Leaving Beijing itself did not overstep the bounds laid down by Yuan Shikai. It was only when he left Tianjin that Cai E could be called a fugitive. Xiao Fengxian did provide some cover for Cai E’s successful flight to Yunnan, but it was not premeditated. Nevertheless, her heartfelt mourning for Cai E should be respected. Historical research must not blindly follow “post modern” theory, but should pay close attention to the work of authenticating historic data and verifying historic facts.


Plans and Efforts to Improve and Rescind Consular Jurisdiction during the Late Qing Period / Li Yumin (35)


During the late Qing period, the many drawbacks of consular jurisdiction were an inconvenience to Chinese and foreigners alike, and gave rise to a consensus that this treaty privilege ought to be reformed. After the Second Opium War, both the Qing government and Britain designed remedial measures. The Qing government accepted the “mixed court” plan proposed by Britain, but the plan miscarried. The “Yunnan Case” exerted an important influence on the system of consular jurisdiction, and when the “observing judgment” system was established, it was to a certain extent a variation on the “mixed court.” The new plan proposed by Sir Robert Hart also aroused concerns among Qing government and many officials. The Sino-Japanese War of 1895 and the War of the Eight-Nation Alliance provoked a strong demand to rescind consular jurisdiction. The Qing government explicitly raised this issue and took concrete measures to reform the judiciary and legal systems, but ran into difficulties. The plans and endeavors of the Qing government had very little effect. Compared with Japan, the Qing government had many faults and weaknesses, and the heavy burden of tradition restricted its thought and action. Undoubtedly, the limitations and lessons of these reforms present a useful example to later generations.


Compatriots, Colleagues, Coworkers and Comrades: Social Intercourse and Intellectual Confluence—The Key Contributors to New Youth, Their Composition, and the Paths that Brought Them Together / Yang Hu (54)


The core of the May Fourth new intellectual movement was a group of intellectuals and young students based at and connected through the New Youth magazine. They were brought together by many factors, including regional connections, school ties, revolutionary comradeship, and intellectual affinity, and formed a new cultural camp. The aggregation and differentiation of the core of the new intellectual movement reflected the complexity of Chinese intellectuals during the May Fourth: their blending of old and new, and the way they combined a diversity of political positions with intellectual confluence. The composition of the group experienced a transition from traditional social relationships based on hometown, school, workplace and so on, to a new style of social intercourse based on common ideology. The core force of this new intellectual movement presented a united front, but was not a rigorously organized political body, and its breakup and reorganization after the climax of the May Fourth Movement were inevitable.


A Study of the Provisional Congress of the Sixth Guomindang Central Executive Committee (1948.4.4-4.6)/ Liu Wei-kai (73)


The only item on the agenda of the Provisional Congress of the Sixth Guomindang Central Executive Committee was to discuss the nomination of the Guomindang’s candidates for the first president and vice-president of the Chinese government after the implementation of the constitution. However, since Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek announced to the amazement of the delegates that he would not run for president, the Congress’ focus of discussion shifted from whether or not the Party should nominate candidates for president and vice-president, to whether or not Chiang Kai-shek should run for president. Finally, on the basis of a collective vote and out of respect for Chiang Kai-shek’s wishes, the Congress reached a unanimous decision “asking the Generalissimo to run for president,” and accepting the Generalissimo’s directive that “the Party does not nominate any candidates for president and vice-president in this election.”


The Establishment of the Central (and State Council) Financial and Economic Committees and Their Organizations / Chi Aiping (91)


Huayang Qiao Town: Water, Fertilizer, Soil and the Rural Ecology in Jiangnan, 1800-1960/Wang Jiange (111)


New Cultural History, Microhistory, and Popular Cultural History: A New Trend in the West and Its Impact on Studies of Chinese History / Wang Di (126)

New Research on Otto Braun’s Position and His Mission in China / Wang Xinsheng (141)


Since the 1980s, a number of memoirs and articles have argued that Otto Braun (called Li De in Chinese) was really a Soviet intelligence officer, and that his appointment as military advisor to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) did not come from the Communist International, but was at the invitation of Bo Gu, the Party’s interim leader. Documents made public by Russia in recent years prove that Otto Braun’s position after his arrival in China was as a member of the Fourth Bureau of the Soviet Red Army. Though the Bureau was indeed an intelligence department, the nature of its work in China was intimately connected to the Communist International. The Fourth Bureau of the Soviet Red Army assigned Otto Braun to the Far East Bureau, where his task was to put together military reports on the Soviet Areas in China and provide them to the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the Communist International. In addition, as a member of the Military Advisory Group of the Central Committee of the CCP, he was to assist the Secretary of the Far East Bureau in directing the military actions of the Soviet Areas in China. Otto Braun went to the Central Soviet Area to direct military affairs at the proposal of the Far East Bureau and with the approval of the Communist International, not at the invitation of Bo Gu.


Weng Wenhao’s Role in Securing Chang Kai-shek’s Aid for Liang Sicheng and His Brother/Li Xuetong (152)


Seminar on “Jiang Weishui and Lin Xiantang: Taiwanese Historical Figures and Their Times / Zhao Jinkang (155)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:48:47

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