
2020-10-21 10:33:44   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:



较量:东北解放战争的最初阶段 金冲及(1)
毛泽东与红军的赣湘进军 何友良(29)
重析福建事变中共应对方针 黄道炫(49)
湖南农民运动中“左”的错误及其影响 梁尚贤(64)
土地改革中的农民心态:以1937—1949年的华北乡村为中心 李金铮(76)
民国时期乡村建设运动的农村改造模式 虞和平(95)
晚清昭信股票发行过程论略 李 玉(111)
“量中华之物力,结与国之欢心”新解 王开玺(128)
名实·政治·人事——关于民初上海商人团体史研究的几点思考 冯筱才(134)
近10年李大钊研究的进展及相关问题的讨论 吴汉全(146)




较量:东北解放战争的最初阶段  金冲及 (中央文献研究室研究员)


毛泽东与红军赣湘进军  何友良(江西省社会科学院当代研究所研究员)


重析福建事变中共应对方针  黄道炫(中国社会科学院近代史研究所副研究员)



湖南农民运动中“左”的错误及其影响  梁尚贤(中国社会科学院近代史研究所编审)



土地改革中的农民心态:以1937-1949年的华北乡村为中心  李金铮(南开大学历史学院教授)



民国时期乡村建设运动的农村改造模式  虞和平(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)
[关键词]乡村建设|农村改造|乡村自治| 合作社|乡村教育


晚清昭信股票发行过程论略  李玉(南京大学中华民国史研究中心副教授)


“量中华之物力,结与国之欢心”新解  王开玺(北京师范大学历史学系教授)


名实·政治·人事——关于民初上海商人团体史研究的几点思考  冯筱才(复旦大学历史学系副教授)


近十年李大钊研究的进展及相关问题的讨论  吴汉全(徐州师范大学历史文化与旅游学院教授)
[关键词]李大钊研究|中国近现代史| 学术史|综述








Morern Chinese History Studies
No.4, 2006


Contestation: The Early Period of the Liberation War in Manchuria Jin Chongji (1)
During the early period of the Liberation War in Manchuria, when the Chinese Communist Party and the Guomindang entered this unfamiliar region, both parties faced many complicated variables and unknowns. Therefore, they made many changes to their original strategies and operational deployments. Though the CCP army entered the region first, they were still in a difficult situation. The Guomindang army had clear superiority in the early stages of their attack. After repeated contests and trials over more than nine months, the CCP implemented a policy of “giving up the highways and occupying the countryside”. They put their emphasis on unreserved mobilization of the masses and building a solid Manchurian base area. In the end, they gained a firm foothold and laid the foundation for turning around the whole Manchurian situation in the next phase of the war.

Mao Zedong and the Red Army’s Advance into Jiangxi and Hunan He Youliang (29)
Trying to understand Mao Zedong and the Red Army’s 1930 advance into Jiangxi and Hunan just within the framework of the Chinese Communist Party’s internal policy struggles has great limitations. This advance was an active seizure of an historical opportunity on the part of Mao Zedong and others, based on their long consideration of issues of survival, development and the overall situation. It enriched the strategic principle of “encircling the cities from the countryside”, and also provided local leaders—who knew the situation on the ground well, and had a lot of insightful ideas—with a behavioral model of how to make choices in the face of their superiors’ incorrect strategies. This was the first example in the history of the CCP of successfully preventing a mistake on the part of the Central Committee from being followed by the party as a whole. The advance also exerted a great influence on the Guomindang authorities, and resulted in the Guomindang army being totally mobilized to encircle and suppress the CCP army in the winter of 1930. From then on, the struggle between the Guomindang and the CCP entered a more intense phase of large-scale military conflict.

A Re-analysis of the Chinese Communist Party’s Response to the Fujian Incident Huang Daoxuan (49)
During the Central Soviet Area fifth struggle against the “encirclement campaign”, an anti-Chiang Kai-shek movement broke out in Fujian. The Chinese Communist Party’s attitude toward this momentous event was very complicated, and its public declarations were very different from its real activities. It would be fair to say that after the outbreak of the Fujian Incident there was still a consensus within the CCP that the Nineteenth Route Army should be preserved as an anti-Chiang force to whatever extent possible, and indeed the CCP provided it with a certain amount of military assistance. However, considering the background of the time, it was very difficult for the Red Army and the Nineteenth Army to fight side-by-side. The CCP was planning to take advantage of weakness of the Guomindang army in Jiangxi to attack the Nanchang line with the main force of the Red Army, thereby forcing the Guomindang army to call off its attack in order to defend its base, and allowing the Red Army to expand its forces. This plan to kill several birds with one stone was the product of careful consideration of many elements on the part of the CCP in response to a very complex situation. It reflects the bewilderment of a young and heavily theory-dependent political party when faced with a complex situation, and the choice with which it was faced.

The Hunan Peasant Movement’s “Leftist” Mistakes and Their Influence Liang Shangxian (64)
At its climax, the Hunan peasant movement formed a “leftist” tidal wave. Beginning in November 1926, the Hunan Regional Committee of the Chinese Communist Party adopted some measures to correct “leftist” mistakes, which were effective and remedied the situation for a time. However, under the pressure of this strong “leftist” tidal wave, the Regional Committee not only stopped rectifying “leftist” tendencies, but turned “leftist” itself. The turning of the Regional Committee made the extreme acts of the peasant movement spin further and further out of control. Though the radical acts were initiated by peasants and cadres of the grass-root peasant associations, lack of strong leadership and correct guidance from members of the CCP was also one of the driving forces behind them. The errors in the CCP’s guidance of the peasant movement can be summarized as follows: in its guiding principles, it had a tendency to worship the spontaneity and fanaticism of the mass movement; in its strategy for the struggle, it enlarged the struggle’s scope recklessly; in its theoretical approach, it made the mistakes of absolutism and one-sidedness. The “leftist” mistakes of the Hunan peasant movement resulted in damage to the revolutionary cause, triggered off anti-revolutionary revolts in Hunan and Hubei provinces, and thereby accelerated the splitting apart of the cooperation between the CCP and the Guomindang.

The Peasant Mentality during Land Reform: Centered on Rural North China, 1937-1949 Li Jinzheng (76)
Past studies of land reform have been mainly limited to the “policy-effect” model, ignoring the mentality and behavior of rural society, particularly of peasants, and their interactions with land reform. The history of land reform in rural North China shows that land reform—which would have brought great benefit to peasants—did not immediately ignite the peasants’ ardor. They were cowardly, not daring to rise in immediate response. Therefore, starting with the reform of traditional ethics, the Chinese Communist Party tried to excite the peasants’ sense of being exploited by landlords, their consciousness of class opposition, their sense of revolutionary struggle, and their support for the CCP, by means of “digging up the roots of poverty” and “public struggle meetings”. With this foundation, the hitherto mild and submissive Chinese peasants gave full vent to their vengeful desire to overthrow the entire landed class. Furthermore, their traditional sense of equalitarianism was no longer merely limited to the idea of “leveling the rich and poor” to bring down the landed class, but developed into extreme equalitarian actions where some poor peasants infringed on the interests of middle peasants. In this social fission and dislocation of poverty and wealth, the peasants’ traditional mentality of trying to build up their family fortunes changed into a contradictory mentality of craving for wealth on the one hand, and fearing wealth on the other, even to the extent of devouring and wasting what property they already had. In conclusion, under the influence of the CCP’s land policy, the peasants’ traditional mentality went through a period of unprecedented tumult and reformulation; at the same time, some traditional attitudes continued on and expanded.

The Republican Period Rural Reconstruction Movement’s Model of Village Transformation Yu Heping (95)

A Sketch of the Process of Issuing “Clear Trust” Stocks in 1898 Li Yu (111)

A New Interpretation of “Estimating Chinese Material Resources and Obtaining the Favor of Friendly Countries” Wang Kaixi (128)

Name vs. Substance; Politics; Personnel: Some Reflections on Studies of the History of Early Republican Shanghai Merchant Organizations Feng Xiaocai (134)


The Development of Studies on Li Dazhao in the Past Ten Years and A Discussion of Some Relevant Issues Wu Hanquan (146)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:45:19

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