
2020-10-21 12:23:02   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:



日苏关系与国共的战略利益——1943年蒋介石制裁中共的策划与取消 邓 野(1)
种瓜得豆:清季外官改制的舆论及方案选择 关晓红(21)
日本的国际战略与中日战争的扩大化——论联接中日战争和太平洋战争的一个关键原因  鹿锡俊(41)
“清流”与《申报》 王维江(62)
工商团体与南京政府时期之营业税包征制 魏文享(78)
另类的医疗史书写——评杨念群著《再造“病人”》  余新忠(92)
光绪朝“政府”词义之嬗变 王宏斌(105)
中国近代自由职业群体研究述评 尹 倩(110) 
“近代中国与近代文化”学术研讨会在京举行 张昭军 王立璋(120)
2006年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆(141)




日苏关系与国共的战略利益——1943年蒋介石制裁中共的策划与取消  邓 野(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)


种瓜得豆:清季外官改制的舆论及方案选择  关晓红(中山大学历史系近代中国研究中心教授)


日本的国际战略与中日战争的扩大化——论联接中日战争和太平洋战争的一个关键原因  鹿锡俊(日本大东文化大学国际关系学部教授)


“清流”与《申报》  王维江(上海社会科学院历史研究所副研究员)

工商团体与南京政府时期之营业税包征制  魏文享 (华中师范大学中国近代史研究所副教授)


 另类的医疗史书写——评杨念群著《再造“病人”》  余新忠


光绪朝“政府”词义之嬗变  王宏斌

中国近代自由职业群体研究述评  尹 倩

“近代中国与近代文化”学术研讨会在京举行  张昭军 王立璋

2006年国外出版中国近代史论著目录  近代史研究所图书馆

2006年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录  近代史研究所图书馆



Modern Chinese History Studies No.6, 2007

Sino-Soviet Relations and the Guomindang and CCP’s Strategic Interests: The Planning and Cancellation of Chiang Kai-shek’s 1943 Sanctions against the CCP Deng Ye (1)

Mao Zedong repeatedly came to the conclusion that the Guomindang launched its third anti-Communist campaign because Chiang Kai-shek believed that the Japanese would attack the USSR imminently. To this day, writers have either completely avoided mentioning this conclusion of Mao’s, or have mentioned it in only the most evasive way. There are two reasons for this: First, they have not understood the strategic relationships within the tri-national quartet of Japan, the USSR, the Guomindang and the CCP; Second, they haven’t found the relevant evidence on Chiang Kai-shek’s side. This paper will focus on raising and resolving these two issues. This anti-Communist campaign is usually considered to have come to an end in mid-to-late July. On the face of it, this stance is defensible. However, Chiang proceeded to formulate many plans to wipe out or contain the North Shaanxi Soviet. This paper will also examine how these plans were formulated, altered and abandoned. In short, this political dispute between the Guomindang and the CCP both began and ended with choices made by Chiang Kai-shek based on his observations of international strategic trends. This course of events is a relatively concentrated expression of Chiang’s strategic vision and his contact with and consideration of a variety of strategic relations.

Reaping What You Did Not Sow: Choice of Plans for Reforming the Provincial Bureaucratic System in the Qing Period and Public Reaction Guan Xiaohong (21)

On the eve of late the Qing reform of the bureaucratic system, there were a number of options under consideration for both the procedure and pace of reform, the choice of which would have a great affect on the progress of the reform. The regime failed to come up with an overall plan, and instead adopted foreign practices wholesale, and as a result the reforms of the central and provincial bureaucratic systems were not harmonized. The heart of the reform and the focus of its contradictions was the double identity of the governors and governors-general. As the reform weakened their power, the governors and governors-general sought ways to survive and expand their power. First, they began to express their dissatisfaction and grievances through various outlets. Then they took advantage of petitions to the Qing court from constitutionalists and the general populace to publicly exert pressure on the court. Right up to the eve of the 1911 Revolution, the final scheme for reforming the provincial bureaucratic system had still not been settled, and the incessant battle for power and advantage sped up the downfall of the Qing dynasty. The unresolved issues of the provincial administration’s authority and the governor’s status became the principal factors behind the endless fighting between regional regimes during the early Republican period, and continued to confound planners and builders of bureaucratic systems in subsequent regimes.

Japan’s International Strategy and the Expansion of the War in China: On a Key Factor Linking the War in China and the Pacific War Lu Xijun (41)

The aim of this article is to investigate the crucial role of Japan’s international strategy in linking the war in China with the Pacific War. The analytic focus includes five aspects of this international strategy: the guiding principles for resolving the China Problem; policies towards other nations; attitudes toward the Nine-Power Treaty and the existing international order; evaluations of the international situation; responses to the relationship between the “China Problem” and the “World Problem”. This article points out that in its international strategy, Japan first adopted a principle of not provoking other nations, in hopes of containing the war between the two countries China and Japan, and resolving the conflict on its own. However, Japan’s actual behavior was the complete opposite of this subjective intent. Quite unawares, Japan step by step drove American and international power toward the decision to aid China and contain Japan. Deep in crisis, faced with a changing situation in Europe, driven by a stubborn attachment to the “New East Asian Order” and hoping for a “New Greater East Asian Order” that included Southeast Asia, Japan’s decision makers came to the same conclusion as China on international strategy: they settled on an “International Solution” to the war between China and Japan. Thereafter, Japan not only refused to pull out from China, but went on to ally itself with Germany and Italy. Hoping to kill two birds with one stone, Japan intentionally launched a strike to the south, thereby expanding the war from China to Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Throughout this process, Japan’s civil officials frequently took the lead ahead of the military. This reflects the depth of support for this policy in Japan.

The Qingliu and Shenbao Wang Weijiang (62)

Shenbao’s political commentary was a commercial activity, the purpose of which was to attract government officials as readers. Qingliu officials read Shenbao out of political necessity, because they were trying to keep up with the discourse of Modernization in official circles. The profitable interaction of these two channels of discussion—one within the system and the other without—benefited both sides: Shenbao won its stable subscribers, and the officials expanded their access to information and enriched their knowledge of the West. However, Shenbao never emerged as an organ of public opinion in modern sense, and the officials were unable to overcome traditional ideas of rulership.

Industrial and Commercial Groups and Farming Out the Business Tax in the Nanjing Decade

Wei Wenxiang (78)

In order to eliminate the old transport duties, the Nanjing National Government started to formally levy a business tax in 1927. According to tax regulations, the business tax should have been collected directly by the tax authorities. But at the time local governments and industrial and commercial groups disregarded the law, and signed private agreements to stabilize local finances that assigned responsibility for tax revenue collection to groups such as chambers of commerce and trade associations. Thus tax farming emerged in a new guise: “Group Farming.” This situation was not unique to business tax collection, but business tax farming was its most widespread form. The internal reasons for this phenomenon were extremely complex, involving questions of conflicting interests and balance of power between the central government, local governments and the industrial and commercial groups. It also demonstrates that the National Government encountered obstacles in its effort to build a country with a modern tax system.

An Unusual Work of Medical History—— a review of Yang Nianqun’s Remaking “Patients”

Yu Xinzhong (92)

Evolution of the Term “Government” during the Guangxu Period Wang Hongbin (105)

A Review of Research on China’s Modern Professionals Yin Qian (110)

Seminar on the “Modern China and Modern Culture” Zhang Zhaojun, Wang Lizhang (120)

Catalog of Overseas Publications on Modern Chinese History in 2006 (122)

Catalog of Publications on Modern Chinese History in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in 2006 (141)

General Table of Contents, Modern Chinese History Studies, 2007 (156)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:53

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