
2020-10-21 12:19:23   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:



1 百年研究成就的总结 茅家琦; 1-3
2 断代通史著作的成功尝试 龚书铎;张昭军; 3-7
3 尊重历史真实 着力学术创新 李文海; 7-10
4 实现了本所几代人的夙愿 曾业英; 10-13
5 贯通近代百年历史的鸿篇巨制 熊月之; 14-17
6 构建兼容并包的中国近代史学科体系 罗志田; 17-18
7 通史贵在“通” 马敏; 18-21
8 以通史的眼光撰写和阅读近代史 桑兵; 21-23
9 百年国史有新篇 郭世佑; 23-25
10 傅斯年“史学只是史料学”再析 桑兵; 26-41+160
11 学术调融与晚清礼学的思想活力 罗检秋; 42-58+160-161
12 “矛盾政策”中找寻出路:四届五中全会前后的胡汉民与西南时局 罗敏; 59-78+161
13 读冯客《近代中国之种族观念》 谢维; 79-90
14 史料的主观解读与史家的价值判断——复房德邻先生兼答贾小叶先生 茅海建; 91-107
15 2006年中国近代史论著目录 刘丽;胡槿;杜华; 108-156
16 《晚清民国经济史丛书》出版 闵杰; 157  




傅斯年“史学只是史料学”再析  桑 兵(中山大学历史系教授)


学术调融与晚清礼学的思想活力  罗检秋(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)


“矛盾政策”中找寻出路:四届五中全会前后的胡汉民与西南时局  罗 敏(中国社会科学院近代史研究所副研究员)


史料的主观解读与史家的价值判断——复房德邻先生兼答贾小叶先生  茅海建(北京大学历史系教授)


百年研究成就的总结  茅家琦


代通史著作的成功尝试  龚书铎 张昭军

尊重历史真实 着力学术创新  李文海

实现了本所几代人的夙愿  曾业英

贯通近代百年历史的鸿篇巨制  熊月之

构建兼容并包的中国近代史学科体系  罗志田

通史贵在“通”  马敏

以通史的眼光撰写和阅读近代史  桑兵

百年国史有新篇  郭世佑

读冯客《近代中国之种族观念》  谢维


2006年中国近代史论著目录  刘丽 胡槿 杜华

《晚清民国经济史丛书》出版  闵杰



Modern Chinese History Studies No.5, 2007

Discussion in Writing on General Modern Chinese History edited by Professor Zhang Haipeng

A Summary of the Scholarly Achievements of the Past Hundred Years Mao Jiaqi (1)

A Successful Experiment in Periodic History Gong Shuduo, Zhang Zhaojun (3)

Respecting Historical Truth, Emphasizing Academic Innovation Li Wenhai (7)

The Realization of Our Institute’s Long-cherished Dream Zeng Yeying (10)

A Monumental Work Weaving Together One Hundred Years of Modern History Xiong Yuezhi (14)

Building an All-encompassing Framework for the Field of Modern Chinese History Luo Zhitian (17)

The Key to General History is Continuity Ma Min (18)

Applying a General History Outlook to Writing and Reading Modern History Sang Bing(21)

A New Work on the Past One Hundred Years of National History Guo Shiyou (23)

Re-analysis of Fu Sinian’s View that “The Study of History Is Only the Study of Historical Materials”

Sang Bing (26)

Fu Sinian’s view that “the study of history is only the study of historical materials” originally appeared in his article “The Objectives of the Institute of History and Philology,” but its complete explanation was presented in An Introduction to Historical Research Methods. The Introduction may be an unfinished draft, but several important chapters are based on systematic texts written by Fu Sinian himself. These texts can help us understand his almost slogan-like viewpoint and avoid quoting it out of context or making irrelevant comparisons. Using comparison to pursue clues and approximate truths is the key to intrinsically linking history with historical materials. And we can look for its original idea and enlarge its positive effects by mastering the relationships between extended historical materials and new and old historical data, between re-organizing historical materials and “doing brilliant evidentiary studies”, between “Orientalist arthodox in China” and “Luxue” (虏学) versus “Quanhan” (全汉), and between textual research and“great events”.

Academic Coordination and the Intellectual Vigor of Rites Studies in the Late Qing Period

Luo Jianqiu (42)

Existing research on Rites Studies in the Qing period lays particular stress on the efforts of some Han Learning scholars to “use Rites Studies to replace Song Learning” in the context of the split between Han Learning and Song Learning during the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods. Research also stresses the achievements of those scholars in research on ritual, as well as the opinions they espoused on ritual. Another point that deserves our attention is that since the Jiaqing and Daoguang periods, some scholars who tried to reconcile Han and Song Learning also researched, discussed and explained ritual and promoted the further development of Rites Studies. For example, Ruan Yuan and others stressed the social nature of Rites Studies; Guo Songtao explained the concept of “fixing ritual according to sentiment”; Zeng Guofan and Yu Yue paid attention to practical values in Rites Studies. In this atmosphere, some Rites Studies scholars promoted the idea of “fixing ritual in accordance with the times” and paid attention to the reform of etiquette and custom. They criticized feudal ethics that oppressed women and advocated the simplification of marriage, death, burial and sacrifice rituals. Some even suggested measures to completely reform ritual systems, such as Sun Yirang’s proposal based on The Rites of Zhou. Rites Studies displayed brilliant intellectual vigor during this late Qing movement to reconcile Han and Song Learning.

Looking for a Way Out amid “Contradictory Policies”: Hu Hanmin and the Political Situation in the Southwest before and after the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fourth National Congress of the Guomindang

Luo Min (59)

Using the newly published Unpublished Letters and Telegrams of Hu Hanmin, supplemented by related documents and historical data in newspapers and magazines, this article tries to present the Southwest faction’s extremely complicated political environment, and expose the contradictory sentiments of Hu Hanmin and his followers caught in this difficult situation. By re-tracing the tracks of Hu Hanmin and his associates before and after the Fifth Plenary Session of the Guomindang Fourth National Congress, this article tries to avoid the pattern of past studies, which have tended to only follow the development of a single thread. The paper points out that in mid-1934 Hu Hanmin was trying to deploy a mass of contradictory policies in order to deal with the passive position of the Southwest faction: he wanted to attack Chiang Kai-shek militarily, but also wanted Chiang to give him a way out; he wanted to overthrow Chiang to resist Japan, but also wanted to overthrow Chiang with the help of Japan. While the “internal troubles” (within the faction) became more and more serious, the “external invasion” (from Chiang Kai-shek) came closer and closer. Caught amid these contradictions, Hu Hanmin could not choose his own course. Helpless, he hoped to take advantage of the Fifth National Congress to “get a solution from the Party” and “stage an offensive with the help of the Party”. However, contrary to his expectations, the act of holding his own Party Congress did not hurt the Central Committee of the Guomindang, but came close to breaking up Southwest faction instead. This situation should be the real story behind the “image” of the Southwest faction’s resistance against Chiang.

Reading The Discourse of Race in Modern China by Frank Dikotter Xie Wei (79)

Subjective Interpretation of Historical Materials and the Historian’s Value Judgment: A Reply to Mr. Fang Delin and to Ms. Jia Xiaoye Mao Haijian (91)

Catalog of Publications on Modern Chinese History in 2006 (108)

New Publication: Late Qing and Republican Economic History( 50 Vols.) (157)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:46

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